Innovations like neural networks and sophisticated evaluation functions have become commonplace, allowing chess engines to outperform human decision-making. Modern engines are more selective and have a better positional understanding.Įvery year, engines like Stockfish and Komodo further push the boundaries of chess, advancing opening theory, tactical analysis, and endgame play. Since the hardware and software programming techniques are improving year by year, chess engines are becoming more intelligent. These numbers are dwarfed by the number of possible moves in chess, making it one of the most complex board games.Ĭhess Engines Outperform human decision-making To put this into perspective, there have been only 10 26 nanoseconds since the Big Bang and about 10 75 atoms in the entire universe. If you construct a complete tree of all possible moves in a chessboard, you will get a total of 10 120 moves. The number of possible moves makes chess one of the most complex games It’s an intricate software program that blends brute-force calculation, positional evaluation, pattern recognition, and sometimes neural networks to make decisions in a game of chess. A chess engine analyzes thousands of outcomes before making an efficient move.